4 Ways Stress Affects Your Body + How To Combat It

Chances are pretty good that, unless you are living disconnected in the wilderness, you have a bit of stress in your life right now. You are definitely not alone. There are so many people right now experiencing job loss or layoffs, childcare issues, financial strain, and educating their kids from home. This on top of […]
Guest Post: The Benefits of Yoga for Reducing Stress
Today’s post is a guest post by Millie Lowe on the benefits of yoga! Yoga is simple in practice but result-oriented in nature. It is an effective exercise. Yoga’s disciplinary and therapeutic movements assist your body to release stress quickly and promote positive energy. It gives your body a feeling of soothing. It makes you whole […]
Podcast Interview: Declutter to Destress [Eat Well & Live Full Podcast]
I had the wonderful opportunity to join Lexie from Wild Sparrow Wellness on her Eat Well & Live Full podcast recently. Lexie and I met through our Nutritional Therapy training at the NTA. Not only do we both share a love of holistic nutrition, but we are both passionate about simplicity and minimalism. In this […]
5 Keys To a Healthier You
5 Keys To A Healthier You – Simply Nourished Wellness
When What We Think Should Make Us Happy Does Not
With Marie Kondo’s rise to fame, it seems like many of us are looking at our belongings and thinking “does this spark joy?” I do love this question as part of the process of decluttering (though I think there’s more to it than just sparking joy), but today I also want to talk a bit […]
The Link Between Stress and Your Weight
Tired? Stressed/Anxious? Weight Won’t Budge? These are 3 big complaints I hear from clients. The interesting thing is that all 3 can be linked to adrenal health & the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is an important hormone & like most hormones, if there is too much or too little, we see side effects. In the case […]
Reducing Clutter to Lower Stress & Save Time
Who wants a clean home faster? Ummm….Yes, please! While I love a clean home, I certainly don’t want it to take all day to clean. I mean, is there anyone who wants that? Often our busy schedules leave us spending valuable evening and weekend time cleaning….dusting, vacuuming, picking up things left all over, etc. I’m […]
How to Handle Stress Eating
Busy days full of work, kids, appointments, errands, sports. Meetings or phone calls with people who leave you feeling less than relaxed (to put it nicely). You’re stressed, tired, agitated…what do you do…grab the first delicious looking thing you see and eat it. This (along with boredom eating) was something I really wanted to kick. […]