Quieting Your Mind – How To Declutter Your Mind

I went to bed one recent evening. I was tired; ready for sleep. I went through my normal wind-down routine to get ready, turned off the light, and got in bed. And then my mind started thinking… Topic to topic, to-do lists, worries, contemplating, analyzing, debating, etc. This sort of thing doesn’t happen too often […]

9 Things To Ask When You’re Decluttering Your Home

Decluttering your home can be a mentally exhausting endeavor. But it’s also extremely rewarding! When I started this process a few years back, I had a hard time getting rid of many things. Sure some things are no-brainers and easy to toss, but other things can really hold me up and I would sit there […]

Creating a Capsule Wardrobe

End of last summer I was just over my closet. I don’t have a huge closet (yay old houses!) so in the space, I had the number of things hanging was getting tight. I pulled it all out and only put back in what I was really wearing and I removed what was out of […]

When What We Think Should Make Us Happy Does Not

With Marie Kondo’s rise to fame, it seems like many of us are looking at our belongings and thinking “does this spark joy?” I do love this question as part of the process of decluttering (though I think there’s more to it than just sparking joy), but today I also want to talk a bit […]

5 Tips For Downsizing Your Home

After almost 15 years of living in a 2700 sq ft home, we made a decision… less is more! Well, actually that decision had been brewing for a few years, at least in my mind. Once I started talking about it to my husband, Dave, I found he was on board as well. Between the […]

The Simplified Kitchen For Healthy Meals

Creating healthy meals in your kitchen may or may not be a task you enjoy. When it’s time to head to your kitchen, are you thinking about what you’ll be creating?  Or are you thinking about how much time it will take with finding all the supplies you need and making that new recipe you […]

Is the joy real?

I’ve mentioned in the past that I really enjoyed The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up.  The concept and method overall really works for me and helped me to make some great changes as I work to get rid of excess and lead a more minimalist, simple life.  Spark Joy This is a phrase I say […]

Reducing Clutter to Lower Stress & Save Time

Who wants a clean home faster? Ummm….Yes, please! While I love a clean home, I certainly don’t want it to take all day to clean. I mean, is there anyone who wants that? Often our busy schedules leave us spending valuable evening and weekend time cleaning….dusting, vacuuming, picking up things left all over, etc. I’m […]