Eating Food That Gives You Energy

Food is energy… plain and simple.  It’s right there in the definition of a calorie. However, how our bodies use food can affect how energetic we feel.  Some foods are great for making us feel energized all day. Others can give us energy for a while, but then we tank and feel tired & sluggish. […]

Don’t Cheat, Just Eat

“It’s my cheat meal.”“I cheated this weekend and ate cake.”“I was so bad with my eating at that party.”“Saturday is aways my cheat day.”“I am going to run 3 extra miles to burn off this dessert.”“I am hitting the gym twice because of that party tonight.” You probably just read through those and likely recognized […]

Keto Quick Start Sneak Peek + Thai Meatball Recipe

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!  The month of December was a blink for me, and it was the first year in a while that I didn’t have all of my shopping done by the first week of December.  I blame that on finishing up my NTP training & working on new business start […]

How I Cleared Up My Dermatitis with Nutritional Therapy

If you’ve ever had to deal with any skin conditions (eczema, dermatitis, acne, etc), you will be able to relate to the struggle of trying to clear up your skin along with trying to keep your skin looking as good as it can during the healing process. I have dealt with forms of psoriasis, eczema, […]