5 Ways To Be More Mindful Every Day

Often when we think of mindfulness, we think of meditating. But being mindful extends to much more than meditating. Mindfulness involves being in the present in many aspects of our life. It is quite easy to be caught up in worrying about the future or over-analyzing the past. Especially in times of uncertainty, we can […]
Should You Ditch Multitasking?

I was a long time, hardcore multi-tasker. I would be working on a project on my computer while I made dinner and took pics/video of the cooking process to share on social media. All while holding intermittent conversations with family members. Did I mention that just about anytime I tried to do Instagram stories of […]
Quieting Your Mind – How To Declutter Your Mind
I went to bed one recent evening. I was tired; ready for sleep. I went through my normal wind-down routine to get ready, turned off the light, and got in bed. And then my mind started thinking… Topic to topic, to-do lists, worries, contemplating, analyzing, debating, etc. This sort of thing doesn’t happen too often […]
How to Handle Stress Eating
Busy days full of work, kids, appointments, errands, sports. Meetings or phone calls with people who leave you feeling less than relaxed (to put it nicely). You’re stressed, tired, agitated…what do you do…grab the first delicious looking thing you see and eat it. This (along with boredom eating) was something I really wanted to kick. […]