Guest Post: Harmonizing Good Health: How to Juggle Self-Care with Fitness
We all need more time in the day. Between work, socializing, and family and home responsibilities, we feel we have to sacrifice certain things to fit everything into our jam-packed schedules. Fitness and self-care usually fall by the wayside. However, with a few changes in your routine, you can make time to improve your health. […]
Get Walking for Good Health
I’m often asked where to start with exercise, or what to do to help with weight/fat loss. One thing I always recommend is strength training (which I’ll get into in a future post). But something that almost everyone can do for free and easily fit into their schedule is walking. There are so many benefits […]
Measuring Health & Fitness Progress
I just recently did a 21 Day Sugar Detox. Twenty-one days of no sugar, and minimal fruit. Lots of veggies & healthy meats & fats plus some great healthy carbs. Guess how much weight I lost… 0 … well actually according to my scale I GAINED .2 lbs. Yeah. But you know what I did […]